There’s a quote that states, “The food you eat can either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.” You may have a different opinion, but one thing is constant, you are what you eat. With the technological leap today, ordering a meal
from a restaurant is as simple as touching a button or clicking on a widget. And as more people get hooked to their desks, farmers are sweating it to match the demand for yummy products. Hence, more fresh food farming practices are getting replaced by cultivation using synthetic chemicals to increase production.
Organic farming takes a different approach to production. Organic agriculture is a method of crop or livestock production without the use of pesticides, genetically modified organisms, fertilizers, or growth hormones. The aim is to maintain long-term soil fertility by optimizing biological processes in the soil and produce healthy organic products.
Why Organic Agriculture in Kenya?
The main reasons Kenyan farmers should embrace organic agriculture in Kenya are: